DBJ Employees’ Health Management Rated Loan Program
Designing physical and mental health into the workplace

By publicizing outstanding examples of the many companies we have rated for their efforts in employee health and workplace management, we hope to encourage a change in approach: from “sick care” (treating illness which has already occurred) to “health care” (working proactively to maintain health), and in this way to promote employee wellness and more sustainable companies and communities.
Our aim in encouraging the spread of health management ratings is to foster dialogue between our clients and their employees, investors and other stakeholders, express the value of employee health and welfare initiatives in visible form, and see that these are reflected in a company’s value.
The DBJ Employees' Health Management Rated Loan Program is the world’s first financing menu to incorporate health management ratings. Using a proprietary screening system, DBJ rates enterprises on the quality of their care for employee health and working conditions.

Principles and outline
An outline of the DBJ Employees’ Health Management Rated Loan Program, along with its guiding principles, is provided here.

List of certified companies
A list of certified companies is provided here.

Advisory Committee
A list of outside experts serving on the Advisory Committee is provided here.