A history of sustainability at DBJ

1 Enterprise Disaster Resilience Ratings: Renamed as BCM Ratings.
2 ADFIAP: Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and The Pacific.
3 World Economic Forum: An international, non-profit organization dedicated to improving world affairs by working with leaders in business, politics, academia and other groups in a cooperative framework to set basic global, regional and industrial policies.
The WEF annual conference is popularly known as Davos.
4 UNISDR: United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. An organization of the United Nations that promotes comprehensive efforts to incorporate a disaster reduction perspective into the humanitarian and development sectors.
5 DBJ Certification Based Loan Programs: Renamed as DBJ Certification Programs.
6 21st Century Financial Behavior Principles: A financial behavior initiative for the formation of a sustainable society, comprising the Ministry of the Environment, financial institutions, and other entities.
7 Sustainability Linked Loans: DBJ Sustainability Linked Loans with Engagement Dialogue.